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Grief Loss & Recovery Continuing Education
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Grief, Loss & Recovery

CEU’s: 3 Hours

Goal:  To assist counsellors in learning a step by step approach to help clients successfully release pain. The pain they have attached to past painful incomplete relationships.  Relationships can include but are not limited to the onset of and recovery from addictive behaviors and lifestyles, going to and being released from jail, war, incest/abuse issues, trauma, death and unresolved childhood issues.


    • Students will be able to discuss a 6-step process, aid clients in effectively releasing the pain of their past.  
    • Participants will be able to define grief to include losses other than death.
    • Also they will be able to explain the use of time line therapy in this process.  
    • Participants will be able to discuss how the many myths people are taught about not feeling their feelings of loss which interrupt their healing.

Pre-Approved for 3 CEU Credits from the CACCF




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